Career Change At 30; High Paying Jobs To Consider

Career Change At 30

It is quite common to make a career change at 30. Some of the most lucrative job options you should consider when making a career change at 30 are physician assistants, financial analysts, product managers and data scientists. In this post, we will thoroughly discuss how to transition into a lucrative career at 30 and  some of the jobs you should explore.

Why start a new career at 30?

I am certain that at one point or the other, you have thought about changing careers. What must have propelled such thoughts? Perhaps you and your boss don’t get along, or maybe your workplace is generally toxic.

Well, before entertaining definite thoughts about changing careers, take some time to examine your current career to determine what is bothering you. Is it something you can change without having to change your entire career? Well, the answer to this question will determine the next step to take.

Here some 4 reasons why you might want to change career at 30:

1. You require a new challenge

Perhaps you’ve “settled” in your career. You are well-versed in all processes and procedures. In fact, you’ve simplified so many procedures that nothing remains to be streamlined. You arrive at work, sit down, know precisely what duties you have to complete, when to take a break, where to eat, and everything is completed by 5:00 p.m.

Isn’t it a little boring?

Perhaps you’re looking for new challenges. If you’ve learned everything there is to know about your work and there’s nothing more for you to “fix,” it’s time to make a change.

That change does not have to entail beginning a new job. Consider sticking with the same employer but switching positions. This allows you to take on new tasks while keeping your benefits (and perhaps your wage level). If you don’t have anything to transfer to, some new tasks outside of your usual duties can be precisely what you need to re-energize your progress.

2. You’re simply unhappy

Sometimes you choose a job because you believe it will provide you with everything you desire. Then you get to the top of that field and realize it doesn’t make you happy.

While it is incorrect to believe that a work can make you happy, you should like what you do. If you dread Monday mornings because you despise coming to work, it’s time to reconsider your professional path.

You're simply unhappy Career Change At 30

3. You’ve changed your priorities.

Perhaps you had a child. Or perhaps you have an elderly parent. Or perhaps your spouse is a member of the military. A million things might happen that push you to reconsider your priorities. Perhaps the corner office is no longer your aim. Or perhaps you are unhappy with your present work path. Whatever it is, your new objectives and your existing career are no longer in sync.

4. You wish to follow your dreams.

You undoubtedly wished to be anything as a child, from an astronaut to a zookeeper. As you grew older, you dropped some of the more outlandish ideas (professional dinosaur) in favor of something a bit more reasonable (accountant).

However, choosing something reasonable does not imply that it is your passion. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to write a comic book or do stand-up comedy. Whatever your passion is, you’ve determined that you’re not going to waste any more time and that you’re going to go for it.

Questions To Ask Yourself If You’re Looking For A Career Change At 30

Career changes are significant, so it’s critical to take the time to assess and identify the actual reason for your desire for change. This will give you the confidence you need to take the leap of faith and go forward.

Here are some self assessment questions you should ask yourself:

  • Do I excel at what I do?
  • Do I like what I do?
  • Is my workplace toxic?
  • What is it about my present job that isn’t working for me?
  • Is my present position providing me with enough challenge?
  • What are my interests?
  • What do I want to do with the rest of my life?
  • Is it possible for me to accept a wage reduction and work my way up in a new job?
  • What sort of work do I already have the qualifications for?
  • What are my life objectives?
  • How would a career change affect my finances?
  • Would I stay if things changed in my current position?
  • What do I stand to gain by quitting?
  • What do I stand to lose if I give up?
  • Is it my passion or money that drives me?
  • Are my expectations reasonable?
  • How do I envision my life in five years?

How To Change Careers At 30

When you’ve chosen to change jobs, the first thing you’ll want to do is prepare and prioritize so that the transition is as seamless as possible.

Here are 6 practical steps to take to change career at 30:

1. Examine your present career

Before making a drastic career move, consider what you enjoy and dislike about your present job. It is important to explore these concerns since changing career may need starting anew and pursuing job. Such self-assessment determines what you are missing and teaches you how to achieve your goals.

2. Reevaluate your personal and professional networks

Individuals in your current career field may be part of your professional network. If this is the case, you might consider reaching out to your personal network for professional purposes. Prioritize your connections who are actively employed in the professional field in which you are interested. Set up a lunch or dinner appointment with one or two of your connections and do an informative interview with them. An informational interview helps you to acquire detailed information from someone who can help you understand how you will fit into their sector.

If you don’t have any connections who are presently working in the professional sector you want to pursue, you may try reaching out to your acquaintances who have a large social network. These people move in varied social circles and may be able to connect you to someone who works in the industry you want to learn about. Your networking efforts will not only be informative, but they may also lead to future possibilities.

Reevaluate your personal and professional networks Career Change At 30

3. Conduct thorough research

Many new professional opportunities need further education or a second degree. However, putting money and effort into another degree may not be essential before considering a professional change. You should perform considerable study on what you will require to make a career transition. employment search engines are great resources for determining what training, education, and abilities you will require for your new employment.

You might also look at the corporate websites for the positions that interest you to see whether your experience and abilities are transferable. Some hiring supervisors place more emphasis on experience, personality, and talents than on formal education.

4. Learn new skills

It is possible that you lack all of the skills required to change into a new career. After making adequate research into the career you wish to transition into, the next practical step is to acquire skills that will help you succeed in the new career.

There are several online courses available that may give the necessary skill training for your new industry. There is also a technique known as skill-based volunteering, which allows you to obtain practical skills while building your résumé and experience.

5. Acquire relevant experience

You will most likely retain your full-time job while looking for a new job, and your opportunities to get extra experience may be restricted. However, there are options to freelance, volunteer, or even shadow people in the job sector of your choice. Freelancing while continuing to work in your existing jpb will allow you to earn extra money while acquiring relevant experience.

You might also consider volunteering or shadowing during your vacation. This may be unpaid, but it is an excellent method to get experience for your CV. Employers value unpaid experience equally as much as paid experience.

6. Redesign your CV

The best technique to rebuild your resume is to open it beside a blank page on your screen. Examine your résumé and reconsider what you have done in each role. Employers will want to see abilities and information related to the jobs you wish to fill. The job you are applying for should provide you with a better understanding of how to format your resume.

To persuade hiring managers that you have what they need, try taking out extraneous material and adding anything that may be deemed relevant experience. Examine job descriptions for keywords and use them into your CV to meet industry standards.

7. Persevere

Changing career at 30 can be daunting; thus you need to persevere. Maintain your bravery during your job hunt. Be confident in your experience, training, and talents, which can help you obtain a new and fulfilling job.

High Paying Job Options For Career Change At 30

Changing careers in your 30s provides you plenty of opportunity to experience higher work satisfaction.

Here are 15 High paying job if you wish to change career at 30:

1. Physician assistant

Physician assistant Career Change At 30

Average annual salary: $119,460

Physician assistants are healthcare practitioner who gives prescriptions and treats patients. They are frequently our initial point of contact with medical personnel at hospitals and clinics.

As a 30-years old wishing to change career, it is the perfect choice If you interested in medicine. It does not need as much study as other medical areas, but  in some cases, you may require a master’s degree.

The job outlook for physician assistants is positive, with a growth rate of 27% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 12,200  job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

2. Financial analyst

Average annual salary: $106,340

Individuals seek the advice of financial analysts while making investing decisions. They can collaborate with organizations or people in banks, pension funds, and insurance firms.

This career path is perfect for 30 years old that have a foundation in math and statistics. With such sort of education background, you might potentially work as a data scientist or statistician.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 8% increase in job growth for financial analysts. It will provide 24,700 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

3. Product manager

Average annual salary: $100,171.

A product manager, at a high level, decides what products an organization should develop, sets how those goods are made (typically in collaboration with design, engineering, and/or other business divisions), and/or evaluates how clients respond to those products.

Normally, a college degree is required is required for product managers; however people from many walks of life can apply. Experience, education, or a mix of the two in computer science, sales, business, management, design, or even entrepreneurship is advantageous.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 2% increase in job growth for product managers. It will provide 15,300 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

4. Data scientists

Average annual salary: $97,159.

Data scientist is a wide phrase that encompasses professions such as data engineering, data research, data visualization, and others. However, data scientists manage and analyze vast volumes of data in order to solve business problems and convey their findings to colleagues and management.

If you have a bachelor’s degree in data science, computer engineering, math, and statistics, you can switch to a data science career. Data scientists have excellent analytical and interpersonal skills. Taking courses or enrolling in a bootcamp might assist you in acquiring the essential skills for this career path.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 35% increase in job growth for data scientists. It will provide 17,700 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

5. Software developer

Software developer Career Change At 30

Average annual salary: $88,509

A software engineer creates and tests computer programs or apps to solve business challenges. This requires a lot of coding, whether it’s writing new code, correcting errors, or resolving large-scale problems.

Transition into this career at the age of 30 can be quite daunting since you need to acquire some tech skills. The highlight about a career in software engineering is that positions are available in a variety of areas, including technology and information technology, retail, defense, and healthcare.

The job outlook for software engineers is positive, with a growth rate of 25% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 153,900  job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

6. Market research manager

Average annual salary: $82,379

A market research manager may do or supervise research on consumer trends, rival goods, and other topics while keeping their organization’s goals and historical success in mind. After acquiring data, a market research manager interprets the facts and explains their significance to stakeholders such as the rest of the marketing team and corporate management.

A college degree in marketing, communications, business, accounting, finance, or social sciences, or some professional experience in those sectors, is usually required to career change.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 13% increase in job growth for market research managers. It will provide 94,600 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

7. Real estate manager

Average annual salary: $81,924.

A real estate manager is in charge of the day-to-day operations of a real estate company, such as managing properties, arranging sales and purchases, overseeing contractors, producing and monitoring financial paperwork, and maybe managing other office staff.

A college degree is normally required; one in property management, finance, business, accounting, or a related field may help you stand out from the crowd. You may transition into this field from a variety of positions if you have project management, accounting, finance, and/or legal knowledge.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 3% increase in job growth for real estate managers. It will provide 33,300 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

8.  Web developer

Average annual salary: $81,200 

Web developers use front end and backend programming abilities to design, maintain, and create websites.

This job is ideal for 30-year-old career changers since it does not require a college degree and can be completed online, allowing you to have a better work-life balance while earning a high pay.

The job outlook for web developers is positive, with a growth rate of 16% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 19,000  job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

9. Social media manager

Average annual salary: $76,919

Social media managers are in charge of everything related to a company’s social media accounts and profiles. Depending on whether they have staff, this might entail overseeing social media strategy, voice, and engagement objectives, but it could also entail creating and scheduling posts, acquiring assets such as photographs and infographics, monitoring analytics, and managing audience interactions.

To transition to this position, you must understand social media marketing and demonstrate your ability to handle fast-paced communications while producing material rapidly and consistently. Thus you may need  public relations, marketing, business, and communications courses to perform well in this position.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 6% increase in job growth for social media managers. It will provide 34,000 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

10. Business manager

Business manager Career Change At 30

Average annual salary: $76,339

The duty of a business manager is to oversee the performance of a team, offer guidance, develop plans to accomplish corporate goals, and provide data to the company’s stakeholders.

At 30 years old, you may leverage your transferrable skills and experience from your present job to become a business manager if you wish to switch career. A formal education, such as a Bachelor’s Degree in Business or a similar discipline, might help you advance in this career path.

The job outlook for business managers is positive, with a growth rate of 4% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 43,200  job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

11. Project manager

Average annual salary: $75,884.

A project manager controls a project and its goals and action items from start to finish (including planning, implementation, and handoff).

This position necessitates organization, time management, leadership (of both people and things), and, depending on the sector, some technical knowledge. In general, a college degree is required, however this might vary. 30 years old with business, psychology, engineering, or other industrial degrees can all apply for project management positions.

The job outlook for project managers is positive, with a growth rate of 6% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 68,000  job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

12. Director of development

Average annual salary: $74,190.

A director of development often works for a charity and seeks finances from a number of sources.

It is vital to highlight that this is not an entry-level position; you must have a bachelor’s degree in business, communications, nonprofit administration, or a related field. You’ll also need several years of business or nonprofit experience.

The job outlook for director of development is positive, with a growth rate of 6% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 35,000 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

13. Human resources manager

Average annual salary: $69,540.

Human resource (HR) managers are in charge of the personnel in an organization. This includes recruiting, interviewing, and hiring people; managing employee-employer issues; conducting performance reviews and ensuring compliance with tax and labor laws.

There are bachelor degrees in human resources, but you might also enter the sector after studying business, psychology, communications, or anything similar. Experience in education, for example, can help you transfer into a training HR function, while a background in finance or business can help you transition into a benefits and compensation HR post.

The job outlook for human resource managers is positive, with a growth rate of 5% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 15,500  job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

14. Technical writer

Average annual salary: $61,715

A technical writer is someone who delivers difficult material. This might include interpreting complex concepts for a lay audience in a white paper or journal article, creating diagrams or information manuals to illustrate how a product works, producing assembly directions or FAQs, or preparing supporting documentation for a customer.

A college degree and familiarity with a technical field are generally required. However, even without prior expertise, you can be a technical writer if y0u have good writing skills. There are other online tools available if you want to pursue a career in technical writing. Google, for example, provides free training to engineers who wish to enhance their technical documentation.

The job outlook for technical writers is positive, with a growth rate of 7% over the next ten years. BLS projects it will produce 4,800  job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

15. Teacher

Teacher Career Change At 30

Average annual salary: $58,950

Seeking for a career change at 30 means that you already have experience in another profession. You may combine your knowledge and passion to make a difference in the world by becoming a teacher. This is a very gratifying, albeit difficult, vocation in which you may help others gain knowledge.

You might teach at the primary, secondary, or university levels. A bachelor’s degree will be required for this professional path.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts 8% increase in job growth for teachers. It will provide 118,800 job opportunities across the United States from 2021 to 2031.

Career Change At 30 With No Degree

Changing jobs at 30 without a degree is possible by participating in online coding bootcamps, volunteering or interning, finding a mentor, or demonstrating transferrable abilities.

Some High paying job options for a career change at 30 are:

  • Construction and Building Inspectors (Average annual salary: 62,860)
  • Wind Turbine Technicians (Average annual salary: $56,230)
  • Electricians (Average annual salary: 56,180)
  • Plumbers (Average annual salary: 55,160)
  • Licensed Practical Nurses (Average annual salary: $53,410)
  • Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers (Average annual salary: $42,630)

Benefits of Changing Careers at 30

Before you do anything, examine the benefits and drawbacks of changing jobs in your 30s. While you should not allow the disadvantages deter you, keep the following in mind.

1. It is never too late to start.

When changing jobs in your 30s, keep in mind that you still have a lot of working years ahead of you. You can obtain 10 years or more of experience in your new work field if you start in your 30s. And, with all of your prior transferrable expertise, you may find yourself at the top of your new professional field sooner than a fresh (and inexperienced) college grad.

2. You might make more money and have better perks.

It’s also feasible that changing careers in your 30s may earn you more money. Starting wages in some businesses might be higher than experienced wages in other ones. Furthermore, if you change industries, you may realize that bonuses and increases are larger, allowing you to make more. Alternatively, you may be changing careers to a higher-paying profession.

3. You offer more diverse skills

While you may lack certain experience, you may have unique abilities that no one else can provide. You have “life” experience that less “seasoned” employees do not have because you have likely been working for 10 or more years. You also have a track record that (ideally) shows you’re a dependable and committed employee. These things are sometimes more useful than expertise in any industry!

4. Starting a new job might revitalize your work life.

A typical reason for changing jobs is that the previous one was no longer rewarding. If you’ve grown to detest going to work, are uninspired, or have little space for professional advancement in your current position, changing jobs can be a breath of fresh air. Starting anything new may be both life-giving and inspiring. It may be a terrific change of pace and can take you from hating or tolerating your job to loving it.

Disadvantages of Changing Careers at 30

Disadvantages of Changing Careers at 30

1. You likely have years of experience in another career field

Leaving behind your years of expertise is likely to be the first challenge that comes to mind when considering a job move at 30. You’ve probably been out of high school or college for at least ten years. Perhaps you’ve perfected your skill or advanced to a management role. Starting afresh might appear to be a defeat.

2. Employers may want someone with experience

Many recent graduates are aware with the catch-22: you need experience to obtain a job, but you need a job to gain that experience. If your new professional field is unrelated to your previous one, you may have difficulty applying for positions without relevant experience.

3. It may take more time.

Unless your new professional sector does not require experience and you are certain you can find work, you will most likely need to make time in your schedule for training.

Working your existing job till 5:00 p.m. may be necessary. You then spend your nights and weekends gaining experience in your new profession. To attain your objective, you may have to give up your leisure time and sacrifice time with family and friends.

4. You may have to take a cut in pay and benefits

Changing careers may require you to begin at a lower pay grade than you would want. Examine your finances and budget to see whether it is possible to produce less money. If it isn’t, think about picking up a second job.

Also, at your current position, you may have worked your way up to six weeks of vacation, five personal days, eight weeks of sick leave, and so on. You could have some additional time on your hands. When you quit your current job, you will lose everything.

Is It Too Late to Change Careers at 30?

No, 30 is still an excellent age for a job change. You are not late since you have several decades of work experience ahead of you. It will provide you with plenty of time to prepare your retirement and pursue your ideal career. Furthermore, you may not have the obligations that you will have later in life, allowing you more room to seek extra education.

FAQS: High Paying Job Options For Career Change At 30

Is it too late to start college at 30?

No, 30 is not too old to start college. You may use your skills and experience from your twenties to seek a degree and develop a rewarding and successful job. Degree programs can help you get additional career prospects, gain practical experience, boost your self-esteem, and make a smooth transition into your new sector.

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